Past Provincial Grand Masters
2018 - 2023
William Caven Steel
Appointed Provincial Grand Master February 2018. Initiated in Lodge Loudoun (Kilwinning) Newmilns No.51 in November 1978, passed in December and raised in January 1979. First took part in degree work when the Lodge visited Lodge St. John Catrine No.497. First Office in the Lodge was Bible-bearer Installed as Right Worshipful Master in 1985-1987 and thereafter Lodge Treasurer for seven years. Moved to Darvel in 1987 and became an affiliated member of Lodge Darvel No.971 in 2002. Became Right Worshipful Master in 2006. Joined Provincial Grand Lodge as a Committee member and as Tyler in 1989 and held various offices before being Commissioned by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. John Ralston in 1997 as Substitute Provincial Grand Master. Made Honorary Grand Senior Deacon in 2010. Member of the Disciplinary Review Committee. Holds Honorary membership of several Lodges. Aim during term as Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master was to encourage the Lodges within the Province to be mindful of their communities when raising money and making charitable donations. Brother William Caven Steel passed to the Grand Lodge above on 24 November 2024.
2013 - 2018
Robert Little
Appointed Provincial Grand Master February 2013. Initiated into Lodge St Peter No.331 in December 1971. First held Office as Chaplain in 1972. Installed as Right Worshipful Master 1978-80. Secretary 1982-86. Joined Provincial Grand Lodge 1982 as Steward and rose through the various Offices to Provincial Grand Almoner before being Commissioned SPGM (1993-98). Re Commissioned as SPGM 1998-2003. Commissioned as DPGM 2008 and became Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master February 2013. A Founder Member of Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759; Affiliate Member of Lodge Stinchar Valley No.1705; Right Worshipful Master 2004-06. Elected to Grand Committee in 1997. Currently serves on the Disciplinary Committee. Made an Honorary Grand Senior Deacon in 2004 and an Honorary Member of Lodges Loudoun (Kilwinning) No.51; Troon Navigation No.86; St. Marnock No.109; St James Tarbolton (Kilwinning) No.135; Beith St. John's (Kilwinning) No.157; St. John (Kilwinning) No.173; Ayr St. Paul No.204; Royal Arch No.314; St. John Royal Arch No.320; St. John No.334; Neptune Kilwinning No.442; Fergusson St James No.566; Prestwick No.1060; Wallace St Hugh No.1212 and Coila St. Andrew No.1334.
2008 - 2013
Archibald Chalmers MStJ FSA Scot.
Appointed Provincial Grand Master February 2008 to February 2013. Initiated into Lodge Thistle No.127 in Stewarton December 1973. Right Worshipful Master December 1981 - December 1983. Elected to Provincial Grand Committee in 1984. First Office in Provincial Grand Lodge Senior Steward in 1993. Commissioned PGL Secretary from 1998 - 2003; PGL Senior Deacon Director of Ceremonies and Almoner before being elected to serve as Provincial Grand Master.
Currently Grand Senior Deacon in the Grand Lodge of Scotland. Holds Honorary Grand Rank of Senior Deacon; serves as the Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Montana near the Grand Lodge of Scotland ). Member of Lodge Albert Edward No.592 and of Lodge The Kings Park No.1386 (Renfrewshire East) RWM 2004-2006; Lodge Stinchar Valley No.1705 RWM 2007-2009; Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759; The Anchor Lodge of Research No.1814 (Renfrewshire West) DM 2009-2010 and Proxy Master of Lodge Thistle No.1013 (Panama). Honorary Member - MK0; No.11; No.20; No.22; No.51; No.86; No.88; No.109; No.133; No.135; No.149; No.157; No.169; No.173; No.201; No.202; No.204; No.237; No.290; No.314; No.320; No.331; No.334; No.399; No.442; No.497; No.505; No.565; No.566; No.617; No.624; No.668; No.753; No.971; No.1167; No.1212; No.1289; No.1398 and No.1822. Honorary member PGL Kilwinning. Honorary Senior Provincial Grand Warden PGL Argyll and the Isles. Honorary Provincial Grand Secretary PGL Lanarkshire Upper Ward. Past President No. 0 Burns Club in Kilmarnock, Past President Irvine Burns Club.
2003 - 2008
James Stuart Lanes
Appointed Provincial Grand Master November 2003 but sadly died suddenly while holding Office. An Office-Bearer and member of PGL Committee before being commissioned as Substitute PGM 1988-1993 and 1993-1998. Depute PGM from 1998-2003. Initiated in Lodge St John No.334 New Cumnock in 1968. Right Worshipful Master 1974-1976 and 1983-1985. Honorary Member of Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133; Lodge St Thomas No.201; Lodge St Thomas Kilwinning No.433 and Lodge St John No.497. A keen Burnsian he was very much sought after at Burns Suppers throughout Scotland. Stuart Lanes passed to the Grand Lodge above on 3 February 2007.
1998 - 2003
John Husk Ralston
Provincial Grand Master November 1998 - November 2003. PGL Secretary 1983-988. Substitute PGM 1988-93. Depute PGM 1993-1998. Secretary to the PGL Fund Raising Committee for more than 15 years. Initiated in Lodge St Clement (Kilwinning) Kilmarnock No. 202 in 1966 and Right Worshipful Master thereof from 1970-1971. A founder member of Lodge Irvine Newtown No.1662 and of Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759. Served on the Board of Grand Stewards from 1982-1988. A member of Grand Committee 1988-2006 and of the Laws and Rulings Committee. Apart from numerous Honorary Memberships in Scotland he held Honorary Membership of Lodges in England Ireland and in the USA but perhaps the greatest honour he has received out with his Mother Lodge is that of Honorary Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Michigan. Honorary Grand Rank of Grand Junior Warden. John Ralston passed to the Grand Lodge above on 20 May 2009.
1993 - 1998
William Rae
Appointed Provincial Grand Master November 1993. Served in numerous offices within Provincial Grand Lodge before being commissioned as Substitute Provincial Grand Master 1983-1988. Appointed Depute Provincial Grand Master 1998-1993. Initiated in Lodge St Thomas Muirkirk No.201 in 1953 and Right Worshipful Master thereof from 1960-1961. Secretary of Lodge St Thomas No.201 for over 25 years. A founder member of Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759. Elected to Grand Committee in 1989. Chairman of the Petitions, Complaints and Appeals Committee. Holds the rank of Honorary Grand Senior Deacon. William Rae passed to the Grand Lodge above on 4 September 2012.
1988 - 1993
Adam Cunningham
Appointed Provincial Grand Master November 1988. Served till November 1993. Past Provincial Grand Lodge Substitute Master on two occasions. Initiated in Lodge St Andrew Kilmarnock No.126 in 1952. Right Worshipful Master 1960-1961. An affiliate member of Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0. A founder member and first Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759. Honorary member of Lodge St James Tarbolton (Kilwinning) No.135 and of numerous other Lodges across the Scottish Craft. A very well known Installing Master throughout Ayrshire and beyond and has many Masonic friendships throughout the Scottish Craft. Member of the Grand Lodge Finance Committee for many years. Honorary Grand Senior Deacon.
1983 - 1988
Appointed Provincial Grand Master November 1983. Served till November 1988. First PGM elected by the Brethren of the Daughter Lodges in Ayrshire without having a connection with Mother Kilwinning. Served on PGL Committee for over 21 years before being elected into his first Office within the PGL and as WSPGW. Initiated in Lodge St James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No.135 in 1938 and Right Worshipful Master in 1948. Past Substitute Grand Master 1997. Appointed to the Board of Grand Stewards in 1958 and President of the Board in 1977. Elected to Grand Committee in 1982. Was a member of the Bye-Laws Committee of the Museum and Library Committee and of the Publications Committee. Chairman of the Petitions Complaints and Appeals Committee 1992-1995. Representative from the Grand Lodge of Maryland. Honorary Junior Grand Deacon. John Weir passed to the Grand Lodge above on 28 November 2005.
1978 - 1983
Thomas Armour McCall
Appointed Provincial Grand Master 1978. Served till November 1983. Substitute Provincial Grand Master 1974-1977. Initiated in Lodge Darvel No.971 in 1943 Right Worshipful Master 1957-1958. Affiliated to Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0 in 1977 Right Worshipful Master 1977-1983. Elected to Grand Committee in 1983. Chairman 1991-1994 of the Hall and Buildings Committee and Chairman 1996-1999 of the Masonic Homes Committee. Served Grand Lodge as an Office-Bearer and Member of Grand Committee for a number of years before being promoted to Substitute Grand Master 2004-2005. Honorary Grand Senior Warden. Representative of the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan. Tom McColl passed to the Grand Lodge above on 23 June 2007.
1962 - 1978
Gregor Grant
Appointed Provincial Grand Master 1962. Served till 1978. Depute Provincial Grand Master of Ayrshire 1961-1962. Initiated in Lodge St Clement (Kilwinning) Kilmarnock No.202 in 1939 and Right Worshipful Master thereof from 1945-946. Affiliated to Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0 in 1961 and Right Worshipful Master thereof from 1963-1977. Affiliate member of Lodge Sir Robert Moray No.1641. A founder member of Lodge Irvine Newtown No.1662 and of Lodge Stinchar Valley No.1705. A Grand Steward from 1958 to 1963 and Chairman of the Finance Committee. Past Grand Treasurer. Substitute Grand Master 1978-1979. Representative from the Grand Lodge of Illinois.
1957 - 1962
Thomas Muir Wilson
Provincial Grand Master 1957-1962. Depute Provincial Grand Master 1956-57. Initiated in Lodge St Vincent Sandyford No.553 in 1924. Right Worshipful Master 1932-1934. Affiliated to The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge No.1241 and to Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133 in 1945. Affiliated to Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0 in 1957. RWM of Mother Kilwinning in 1957. It was due to the intervention of Brother T Muir Wilson that the Minute Book of Lodge St David Tarbolton No.174 (The Mother Lodge of Robert Burns) covering the period from 1773-1843 was purchased when it appeared at auction in London in 1971. Honorary member of Lodge St James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No.135. Brother T Muir Wilson was at one time the Honorary Sheriff of Ayr Sheriff Court and latterly Honorary Sheriff of Kilmarnock Sheriff Court and a former Depute Chairman of Blackwood Morton and Sons Ltd Kilmarnock more commonly known as the world famous BMK.
1949 - 1957
Archibald William Alexander Montgomerie TD DL BA 17th Earl of Eglinton and 5th Earl of Winton
Peer of the Realm. Provincial Grand Master 1949-57. Depute Provincial Grand Master from 1948-49. Affiliated to Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0 in 1947 RWM 1949-1957. Initiated in Lodge Apollo University Lodge No.357 (EC) in 1936. Affiliate member of Lodge Montgomerie Kilwinning No.624 and RWM 1947. Grand Master Mason Grand Lodge of Scotland 1957-1961 previously Depute Grand Master Mason and Worshipful Grand Senior Warden. Grand Architect in 1948. Member of Grand Committee in 1949. Representative from the Grand East of the Netherlands from the Grand Lodge of Quebec from the Grand Lodge of India and from the Mark Grand Lodge of India. Honorary Member of the Grand Lodge of India. As Grand Master Mason he gifted to Grand Lodge the Schaw Statutes of 1598 and 1599. He passed to the Grand Lodge above on 21 April 1966 aged just 51 years.
1947 - 1949
Lieutenant Colonel Evelyn Stewart Arthur of Montgomerie JP DL
1941 - 1947
William Wallace Smith Cunningham 16th of Caprington DSO JP DL
1939 - 1941
James E Shaw JP DL
1935 - 1938
Sir Standish Gage Craufurd 5th Baronet of Kilbirnie CB CMG CIE DSO JP DL MP
1933 - 1935
George Clark
1931 - 1933
Sir Charles Glen MacAndrew ( Later Baron MacAndrew of Firth of Clyde) TD PC DL MP
1927 - 1931
Lieutenant General Sir Aylmer Gould Hunter-Weston KCB CB DSO GCStJ JP DL MP
1924 - 1927
James Arthur of Montgomerie
1921 - 1924
William Hyslop of Bank and Afton JP
1917 - 1921
Archibald Seton Montgomerie 16th Earl of Eglinton and 4th Earl of Winton DL
1912 - 1917
Thomas Walker McIntyre
1908 - 1912
Colonel Louis Gardiner Pearson
1904 - 1908
Archibald Kennedy 4th Marquess of Ailsa & Earl of Cassillis JP DL FSRGS
1901 -1904
Major William Mure of Caldwell JP DL
1899 - 1901
Matthew Arthur of Carlung and Barshaw (later 1st Baron Glenarthur) JP DL
1896 - 1899
Hugh Robert Wallace of of Busbie and Cloncaird DSO JP DL
1890 - 1895
The Honourable Thomas Cochrane of Dankeith 1st Baron Cochrane of Cults JP DL
1876 - 1879
Robert William Cochrane-Patrick of Woodside & Ladyland MP
1868 - 1878
Colonel William Mure of Caldwell MP
1866 - 1867
Robert Wylie, Castlepen JP
Hugh Conn, Adela Cottage
1859 - 1864
The Right Honourable Sir James Fergusson 6th Baronet of Kilkerran GCSI KCMG PC DL MP
Robert William Cochrane-Patrick of Woodside & Ladyland MP
George Johnstone of Redburn
1853 - 1856
J Boyle Gray of Cranberry Moss JP
1851 - 1852
George Fullarton of Fullarton
1848 - 1850
George Johnstone of Redburn
1846 - 1847
George Fullarton of Fullarton
1842 - 1845
George Johnstone of Redburn
1840 - 1841
George Fullarton of Fullarton
1837 - 1839
George Johnstone of Redburn
1835 - 1836
George Fullarton of Fullarton
1833 - 1834
William Millar of Monkcastle
1831 - 1832
George Johnstone of Redburn
G Fullarton younger of Fullarton
1828 - 1829
Robert Montgomerie DL
1826 - 1827
John Smith of Swindridgemuir
1823 -1825
Colonel Alexander Hamilton of Grange
1821 - 1822
Sir Alexander Boswell 1st Baronet of Auchinleck MP FRSE
1818 - 1820
Colonel Alexander Hamilton of Grange
James Crichton
1815 - 1816
Patrick Maxwell, Irvine
1813 - 1814
William Davidson of Air
1811 - 1812
Alexander McGowan of Smithston
1809 - 1810
Roberts Davidson of Drumley then of Air
1806 - 1808
William Blair of Blair MP
1801 - 1807
William Campbell
1795 - 1801
1769 -1795
George Murdoch JP DL
1747 - 1769
Robert Mollison
1739 - 1747
Alexander Drummond