On Saturday 9 March 2024, Bro. Tom Reid Lightbody was installed as Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Burns St. Mary No.505, by installing Masters Brother Derek Rutherford PM and Brother David Wallace PM.
The meeting was attended by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother James Bell accompanied by a substantial Deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire. Adding to the prestige, the RWPGM of Kilwinning, Brother Tom Wood, also marked his presence, further augmenting the significance of the occasion.
The ceremony was witnessed by numerous visiting Brethren from within and beyond the Province, indicating the high regard in which Brother Lightbody is held.
In a moving part of the ceremony the Provincial Chaplain Brother Stephen Clipston, consecrated the newly acquired Master's Chain before it was invested on Brother Lightbody who had the distinct honour of being the first to wear it as RWM.
The Installing Masters eloquently honoured both the accomplishments and virtues of Brother Lightbody, and paid homage to his late father, a Past Master of the Lodge, thus connecting the past with the present in a moving tribute. They also presented the RWM with the Rosedale Jewel from Lodge Rosedale No.145 in Australia, that has been worn by every Master of the Lodge since it was gifted more than 60 years ago.
Following the formalities, Brother James Bell was the first to congratulate Brother Lightbody on his re-installation, offering his best wishes for a successful tenure. His sentiments echoed the collective goodwill of all those present.
The event concluded with the Brethren convening for Lodge harmony, marked by a range of toasts, each resonating with brotherhood and respect, making the evening a celebration of the enduring values that define Lodge Burns St. Mary No. 505.