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Installation Lodge St. David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No. 133

On 4 November 2023, Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro. William Grant led a large Deputation of Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire to the installation of RWM Bro. David Pattison at Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133.

Substitute PGM Bro. Grant's Deputation was also joined by the RWPGM Bro. Tom Wood from the Province of Kilwinning.

Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro. William Grant

Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master of Kilwinning, Bro. Tom Wood

In attendance were a large number of brethren from Ayrshire as well as visitors from Glasgow.

RWM. Bro. David Pattison, with his Installing Masters, and brethren from PGLA

RWM. Bro. David Pattison, with his Installing Masters, and visiting RWM's (126, 127, 135, 505, 497, 1060 and 1759. RWM 230 not pictured)

RWM. Bro. David Pattison with Brethren of Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No. 133

The Installing Masters were Bros. Peter McClymont and Neil Adair, both Past Masters of Lodge St David.

At the end of the meeting, Bro Grant congratulated Bro. Pattison and his Office-bearers on being installed, commended the Installing Masters for their experience and the quality of their work, and brought fraternal greetings from the Provincial Grand Lodge. He also praised Bro. Pattison for his work in the recent 5 Lodges degree.

Installing Master Bro. Peter McClymont PM

Installing Master Bro. Neil Adair PM

After the meeting, a buffet meal was provided and a series of toasts and entertainment by the Brethren ensured a memorable harmony to mark the occasion.

RWM. Bro. John Muir Lodge Burns Dundonald No. 1759.

Bro. Colin McCormick PGLA SD PM 135 and RWM Bro. Brian Terras PM Lodge St Andrew No. 126.

Bro Eddie Vallance, PM Lodge St David.

Bro. Jack Fleming PM Lodge St David

RWM. Bro. Tom Lightbody Lodge Burns St Mary No. 505.

Bro. Mervin Stuart PM Lodge St James Newton-upon-Ayr No. 125.

Bro. Stuart McCarlie WSW Lodge St. David

Bro. Gavin Barrie PM 135 HM Lodge St David

At the end of the evening, RWM Bro. Pattison thanked the Brethren for attending and pledged to visit as many lodges as he could in the coming year.



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Bro S Kettlewell PM 135  |  Bro C McCormick PM 135

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