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Installation: Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133 - RWM Brother Stuart McCarlie

RWM Brother Stuart McCarlie

A large number of members from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire visited Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133 on Saturday 2 November 2024, to witness the annual Installation ceremony where Right Worshipful Master Bro. Stuart McCarlie and his Office-bearers were installed.

RWM, Installing Masters, Provincial Deputation led by SPGM Bro. William Grant and members of 133

Brother William Grant led the Provincial Deputation as the Substitute Provincial Grand Master. Many visiting Brethren were also present to celebrate the event.

Brother Robert Stewart, Past Master of Lodge 133, along with Brother Murray Hunter, Past Master of Lodge Stinchar Valley No.1705, and Brother Robert Green, Past Master of Lodge St. John Maybole No.11, served as the Installing Masters for the evening.

RWM, SPGM, Installing Masters and Brethren of Lodge 133.

RWM Brother Stewart McCarlie with Installing Masters Brother Robert Stewart, Brother Murray Hunter and Brother Robert Green

Members of Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline with their new RWM, Brother Stuart McCarlie

RWM Brother Stuart McCarlie with RWM Brother James Bell Lodge Coila St Andrew No.1334

Upon being received into the Lodge and assuming the position of Chair, Brother Stewart expressed gratitude to Immediate Past Master Brother David Pattison for his dedication to the Lodge and Ayrshire Freemasonry during his two-year tenure as RWM, which was acknowledged by the brethren.

Installing Master Brother Robert Stewart PM Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No.133

Installing Master Brother Robert Green PM Lodge St John Maybole No.11

Installing Master Brother Murray Hunter PM Lodge Stinchar Valley No.1705

RWM Brother McCarlie with SPGM Brother William Grant and Installing Masters

Subsequently, the installation ceremony proceeded with great dignity and once concluded, the brethren enjoyed some harmony and hospitality as well as a series of engaging toasts after dinner.




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