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Installation Lodge St. James Newton-upon-Ayr No. 125

RWPGM Bro. James Bell with RWM Bro. Ted Bates

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother James Bell led a distinguished Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge to Lodge St. James Newton-Upon-Ayr No.125 on Saturday 9 December 2023, to witness the Installation ceremony of Right Worshipful Master Brother Ted Bates, who was installed for his second term of office. As well as the RWPGM, the Deputation also included Substitute PGM Bro. Liam Stewart.

RWM Bro. Ted Bates with Provincial Deputation and Installing Masters
RWM Bro. Ted Bates with Installing Masters Brothers Graeme Dunn, Mervyn Stuart and Stewart Howie



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