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Installation: Lodge Thistle No. 127

On Saturday 13 January 2024, the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Bro. James Bell attended the Installation of Brother Angus MacDonald as Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Thistle No. 127 in Stewarton.

A Large Gathering of Esteemed Brethren

A substantial and esteemed Deputation of Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire, headed by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother James Bell, thanked RWM MacDonald for his allegiance to the Provincial Grand Lodge and for having led the Lodge so well in the previous 12 months. PGM Bro. Bell also wished RWM. Bro. MacDonald and his Office-bearers every success in the year ahead.

RWM Bro. Angus MacDonald with Installing Masters, RWPGM Bro. James Bell, Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire and visiting Masters.

The meeting was also attended by a large number of Brethren from within and beyond the Province. Notably, the event was graced by a large contingent of reigning Masters, underscoring the importance of this occasion in the Masonic calendar and confirming the respect each held for RWM Bro. MacDonald and the Brethren of Lodge Thistle.

RWM. Bro. Angus MacDonald, his Installing Masters, RWPGM Bro James Bell and visiting Masters


The Installation ceremonial was executed with precision and dignity at the experienced hands of Bro. Archibald Chalmers PM and Bro. Ian Broadhurst PM. Their role as Installing Masters was performed with a blend of experience, solemnity, grace and respect, befitting the occasion and the Brethren showed their appreciation in the usual manner at the end.

(L to R) Bro. Archibald Chalmers PM, RWM Bro. Angus MacDonald and Bro. Ian Broadhurst PM

After the formalities, the Brethren successfully raised a commendable sum of £275 for local charities, highlighting the Lodge's commitment to community welfare and charity.

RWPMG Bro. James Bell congratulating newly Installed RWM Bro. Angus MacDonald

Left to Right: Bro Archibald Chalmers PM (Installing Master), RWPGM Bro. James Bell, RWM Bro. Angus MacDonald, SPGM Bro. John Muir, Bro. Ian Broadhurst PM (Installing Master)

RWM Bro. Angus MacDonald with the Office-bearers and Brethren of Lodge Thistle No. 127

RWM Bro. Angus MacDonald with his Office-bearers

Fellowship and Toasts to Conclude the Evening

The formalities of the Installation gave way to a pleasant evening in harmony, marked by a three-course meal, tea, coffee, cheese and biscuits and then formal toasts.

Installing Master, Brother Ian Broadhurst PM, toasted the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire. His words were warmly received by Bro. John Muir, Substitute Provincial Grand Master, who offered heartfelt thanks in his reply.

Installing Master Bro. Ian Broadhurst PM Lodge Thistle No. 127

Substitute Provincial Grand Master Bro. John Muir

The newly installed RWM, Brother Angus MacDonald, in a touching tribute, toasted his two Installing Masters, lauding their exceptional execution of duties. Their response added a personal and gracious note to the proceedings, along with some humour to the pleasure of the assembled Brethren.

RWM Bro. Angus MacDonald

Installing Master Bro. Archibald Chalmers PM Lodge Thistle No. 127

Bro. James Shield PM's toast to the visiting brethren was fittingly replied to by visiting RWM Bro. David Pattison of Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No. 133, symbolizing the fraternal bond shared among Masonic lodges. Brother Pattison spoke of the warmth of the connection between the lodges and the warmth of the welcome extended to visitors by the RWM and brethren of Lodge Thistle.

Bro. James Shields PM Lodge Thistle 127

Bro. David Pattison RWM Lodge St David (Tarbolton) Mauchline No. 133

The evening drew to a close with Bro. Gordon MacPhail's toast to the Artists and Stewards, a fitting end to memorable evening of Masonic tradition, fellowship, and charity.

Bro. Gordon MacPhail SD Lodge Thistle No. 127

At the end of the evening the brethren joined arms to sing Auld Lang Syne.

"An' each took aff his several way, Resolv'd to meet some ither day."



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