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Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759 Installation

On 22 April 2023, RWM Bro. John Muir was installed for a second term of office.

His Installing masters were Bro. John Law PM 1759 and Bro. William M. Nicol PM 1759.

The ceremony was conducted at the Masonic Hall, 119 Portland Street, Troon and a large number of visiting Brethren were in attendance, from within and outwith the Province of Ayrshire.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. James Bell attended with a large Deputation of Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire, as well as Brethren from visiting provinces.

A wonderful meal was provided afterwards, with after dinner toasts.

A sample of photos from the event are shown below.

Bro. John Law PM 1759 and Bro. William M. Nicol PM 1759.

RWM Bro. John Muir with Deputation of Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire and visiting Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kilwinning and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lanarkshire Middle Ward.

RWM Bro. John Muir with the Heads of Deputations

RWM Bro. John Muir with Office-bearers and Brethren from Lodge Burns Dundonald No. 1759.

RWM Bro. John Muir (centre) with visiting Brethren from Lodge Meridian No. 1779. Steven Mitchell, Willie Craig, George Kelly (Past Substitute Grand Master Mason), Peter Price PM, Andrew Neilston, Craig Park

Bro. John Law PM 1759 - Installing Master

Bro. William M. Nicol PM 1759 - Installing Master

Bro. Paul Devlin Grand Steward and Provincial Grand Marshal

Bro. Paul gave the reply to the toast to the Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire.

Bro. Ian Murray Worshipful Junior Warden 1759

Bro. Robert Greig RWM Lodge St. Maurs No.1398

Bro. Andrew Hamilton PM Lodge St. Andrew No.126 HM 1759

Bro. John McNeish PM Secretary 1759



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Bro S Kettlewell PM 135  |  Bro C McCormick PM 135

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