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Latest News and Events from around the province

Lodge Wallace St Hugh 1212 Installation

On Saturday, 1 April 2023, Bro. Ross Fisher was installed as RWM at Lodge Wallace St Hugh, Crosshill.

The Lodge room was almost filled to capacity for the ceremony and 100 Brethren stayed for the celebratory dinner afterwards.

RWM Bro. Ross Fisher

RWM with his Installing Masters, Bro. Scott Pike, Bro. John Wason, and Bro. Danny Baird.

RWM Bro. Ross Fisher, with RWPGM Bro. James Bell, Brethren from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire and his 3 Installing Masters.

RWM Bro. Ross Fisher with Brethren from Lodge Wallace St Hugh No. 1212

RWM being piped in to the celebration dinner by Bro. Paul Gray.

A large attendance of Brethren at the dinner

Bro. Clark McCrindle as Toastmaster

RWM Bro. Ross Fisher, proposing the Loyal Toast to His Majesty, King Charles III.

Bro. Jack Shuttleworth, performing live.



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Bro S Kettlewell PM 135  |  Bro C McCormick PM 135

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